Thank you for registering for JPL's Children's Summer Reading Program. This year you will be required to read by minutes to complete this program. The program will ask you to log your minutes by the title and author of the books that you are reading.
Each minute will be valued at 1 point.
For example:
If you read for 20 minutes, you will earn 20 points towards completing the program.
If you read for 30 minutes, you will earn 30 points towards completing the program.
If you read for 40 minutes, you will earn 40 points toward completing the program.
Once you have completed 250 minutes of reading, you are automatically entered into a random drawing. Children will be emailed if they have won. There are four random drawings throughout the program.
Random Drawing Dates:
Random Drawing 1 (250 points): Read 250 minutes by Saturday, July 8 and you will automatically be entered into a random drawing to win a prize.
Random Drawing 2 (500 points): Read 500 minutes by Saturday, July 22 and you will automatically be entered into a random drawing to win a prize.
Random Drawing 3 (750 points): Read 750 minutes by Saturday, August 5 and you will automatically be entered into a random drawing to win a prize.
Random Drawing 4 (1000 points): Read 1000 minutes by Saturday, August 19 and you will automatically be entered into a random drawing to win a prize.
Q: Can I read an audiobook or graphic novel?
A: Yes! Part of the Summer Reading program is to promote a love of reading and trying new things. Listen to an audiobook or read a graphic novel of your choice!
Q: How will I be notified if I won a random drawing?
A: We will email you on the Monday after winners are selected in a random drawing of the preceding Saturdays. The random drawing dates are above.
Q: If I read more than 250 minutes, will I receive more random drawing entries?
A: Yes! If you read above the required 250 minutes, your chances of winning the drawing will increase.
Q: Can I read all my required minutes at the beginning of the summer?
A: No. The summer reading program is meant to be read throughout the summer, from June 24-August 19 We hope that you will read daily for fun and enjoyment and develop a habit for reading. The TOTAL DAILY MAXIMUM POINTS is 60 points which is awarded to a reader who has read for 60 minutes. You will not be permitted to earn more than that amount in a day. Pace yourself.
Happy Reading and GOOD LUCK!